Thursday, June 15, 2006

The world as we see it.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "If I drop a cat on the floor, will it land buttered side up?". Maybe. But if the more curious of you are probably wondering who the hell we are. Allow me to enlighten you.

We are a pair of maniacal scientists with a love for all things weird, wonderful, amusing and just plain filthy. I myself enjoy the musings of the comic book world, teach martial arts and am a bit of a student of the orient. Crack Whore enjoys the world of cars and even engages in a spot of track racing on the odd occassion. Both of us are into films, boobs, TV, gaming and all those geeky things that keep us up well into the dark hours of this damp and dreary little corner of the planet.

I hope you enjoy your journey into our world, we'll keep you updated whenever we possibly can. Don't be afraid to interact either! Talk to us..... leave comments.... make us feel loved.

Come to our bosom. Love thy Neighbour. Butter thy cat.

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